"I read the Series of Unfortunate Events about 4 years ago. To be honest, I never read that much fiction, I'm far more likely to be reading non-fiction books. It's not that they don't interest me, I think the stories are thrilling, I just prefer other media such as film or games."
Question 2: What is the title/topic of the non-fictional book you are currently reading, or the last one you read?
"PC Gamer (Magazine), and for actual BOOKS, I've been reading 'Challenges For Game Designers' by Brenda Brathwaite"
Question 3: What is the last live performance you attended?
"'We Will Rock You' in London. Though probably not my first choice, my friend Saul is absolutely obsessed with it; I went in with low expectations, but I actually thoroughly enjoyed myself that night."
Question 4: What is the title of the last film you saw at the cinema / online or watched on DVD?
"Fight Club (Blu-Ray), it was an amazing film and I'm just surprised I never watched it before. The storyline was really interesting with some great twists, and the film direction and art style was also superb."
Question 5: How often do you read a newspaper?
"Never, I've only read the newspaper when waiting at the dentists or doctors appointments."
Question 6: Which art gallery / museum / exhibition did you last visit?
"Science Museum in London, I've been there a few times now, but I still find it very interesting."
Question 7: How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?
"30 - 50 usually, my most played game is Team Fortress 2 which has about 710 hours of game-play overall; I've had the game for 3 years now. The same goes for Minecraft in recent days, I've been playing that a great deal. Those two games have something in common, they don't follow a storyline. Because of that their playability in the future is almost limitless."
Question 8: How many hours a week do you spend playing games other than video games?
"None right now, but before I came to University I had a 'Games Night' every Wednesday night with 4 of my friends. It was really fun, it was for all of us to experience new board games as well as play some old classics like 'Monopoly' and 'Risk'."
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